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Integra homes & Land
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Navigating the Pitfalls of Custom Home Projects in Payson and Rim Country’s Exclusive Communities: The Rim Golf Club and Chaparral Pines
Building your custom dream home in the serene landscape of Arizona’s Rim Country, specifically within the prestigious communities of the Rim Golf Club and the

Time Out Charity Golf Tournament
Time Out has provided a vital service to victims of domestic violence in Payson and Gila County for the past 26 years. Integra participated in

Jennifer Kiley 19-20 CAZBR President
Our very own, Jennifer Kiley, was installed as the 2019 – 2020 President for the Central Arizona Board of Realtors, during the AAR Leadership conference

REALTOR Day at the Capitol
Our Designated Broker; Jennifer Kiley attended REALTOR Day at the Capitol in Phoenix to meet with District 6 legislators to ensure the protection of private

Book your vacation at The Rim Golf Club
For the first time ever… You can book a vacation rental in The Rim Golf Club. Our vacation rentals are on the golf course, they

Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
Bag healthy, non-perishable food items and place by your mailbox for your letter carrier to pick up & deliver to food banks and pantries in

Worlds Oldest Continuous Rodeo
Over 130 years the World’s Oldest Continuous Rodeo has never missed a beat. Many consider it the oldest rodeo in America. Steeped in tradition it